Saturday, May 9, 2020

Motivation Monday Money Corrupts So Stay Grounded

Motivation Monday Money Corrupts So Stay Grounded It is the simple pleasures that keep us sane and stable. While we all need enough money to survive, the bigger question is, how much is enough? Contemplate this question carefully by considering the consequences of having versus not having that which you desire. Need vs. Want I wrote about the big question, need versus want, as it pertained to Black Friday. You know that crazy day before  Christmas where people wait in line at ungodly hours of the early morning. Consumerism at its finest. Ego Often, I suppose, it is our desire to keep up with those around us (friends, family, neighbors, colleagues) that makes us feel like we need something. But deep down, isnt it more about your desire to appear or give the impression that you are somebody? Irresponsible If you recall, several years ago, we got into a lot of trouble in the US when banks granted huge mortgages to those who couldnt afford them. Are you a responsible spender? Always? Money Never Buys Happiness All the money in the world will not turn your situation around or make you happy. Happiness, my friends, is a state of mind.  It has nothing to do with your bank account or credit card limit. Get Grounded If you continue to seek your hearts desire, look no further than those around you. The relationships and friendships with people in your life. These are the foundation of happiness. What about the ability to live in the present? The simple yet complex talent of savoring the hear and now. When was the last time you were really at peace and living in the moment? Where were you and who were you with? Happiness Is At the end of the day, we need enough money to survive. We need a roof over our head and food in our stomachs. Think about what happens when we over indulge in food? Fat. What happens when we over indulge in money? We also need to pay more attention to the people and simple pleasures in life. We need to learn to value what is really most important in our lives. When all is said and done, it is not our fancy gadgets, newest toys, grand vacations or other splurges that have made us truly happy. Contemplate again, what you need versus what you want.

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